Fran Tiver

Leadership Coefficient Facilitator & Coach

Fran is a facilitator and coach with Leadership Coefficient and an ICF Certified (PCC) Coach based in Sydney, Australia. Fran’s ability to see deeply into the ‘being’ of other people and her connection with the source of creation provides a solid foundation to create safety and trust in relationships. Fran energises and champions others & calls forth their best, whether it be at an individual, team or community level.

Her relationship with Leadership Coefficient is aligned to both her own purpose; of being of service to others, and to her passion for leadership development by both facilitating, and being a part of ongoing transformational change.

Fran’s experience spans HR, Sales, Marketing, Business Operations and Services. She has led, mentored, developed and coached teams and individuals in the IT Industry, and, apart from her work with Leadership Coefficient, currently coaches senior executives.

‘No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love’ 1 Cor. 13:3B (MSG)